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Every cook makes mistakes (even professional bakers do).
Here are seven mistakes that can easily be made when baking bread, or that could be made if you’re not careful, and the solutions to avoid them.
Baking whole grain bread – mistake number 1
The most common mistake when baking bread is forgetting to add salt to the dough.
This results in a very tasteless bread and even hinders the rising of the dough. The surface of the bread becomes flat.
In this case, it is best to use a note that reminds you to add salt to the dough.
It is best to hang this note in a place where it will be clearly visible (refrigerator, recipe book, etc.).
Mistakes when baking whole wheat bread 2
The second most common mistake is letting the dough rise too much and spilling it.
This usually happens when you forget to put the dough in. And who doesn’t forget these things from time to time, when there is so much going on in our lives?
If you have already placed the bread in a pan when baking, you can solve this problem by simply cutting off the excess dough from the sides of the unbaked bread with kitchen scissors.
Divide this dough into several small balls and roll them out. Let rise for 20-30 minutes on a small greased baking sheet, then bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit as a whole loaf.
If the bread is very flat, let it rise another 15-20 minutes before baking.
Another way to preserve bread is to use a timer that beeps loudly when the set time is up.
Using a timer can also prevent you from making other mistakes when baking.
Baking whole wheat bread gives error 3
When heating the water to add the yeast, it is easy to inadvertently make it too hot. This error kills the yeast and prevents the bread from rising.
To correct this mistake, we recommend that you purchase a baking thermometer and measure the temperature of the water. Try also: Best Online Bakery
Error when baking whole wheat bread 4
If you’re worried about having too much dough for your family and the excess bread settling before you can use it, you don’t need to worry.
It is perfectly acceptable to store the unused dough in the refrigerator for a few days, then take it out to let it rise.
You can also store the dough in ziplock bags or plastic wrap in the refrigerator to prevent oxidation.
Error 5 occurs when baking whole wheat bread.
The bread is burned. Yes, there is nothing better than coal-black bread.
To avoid this, strictly adhere to the specified baking time and temperature. Again, use a timer to know when to take the bread out of the oven.
Also, keep in mind that gas and electric ovens have different temperatures. If you use an electric oven, almost all baked goods should be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Sometimes a recipe will say to bake at a higher temperature at the beginning of the baking process, but usually, it will say to lower the temperature after a certain amount of time.
Mistakes when baking whole wheat bread 6
Using the wrong type of flour or doing it on purpose. To get good results when baking wholemeal bread, it is best to use wholemeal flour for baking.
There are recipes for all kinds of bread, for each of which a specific type of flour is used.
So don’t try to find a substitute and hope that adding rye flour, for example, will turn whole wheat bread into rye bread. It won’t.
7 mistakes when baking whole wheat bread
Finally, there is the problem of air bubbles (also called pockets), which can cause large holes in the bread after baking.
The best way to solve this problem is to pinch out any bubbles in the dough before baking. This will immediately empty the bubbles.
I hope you now know the seven most common mistakes made when baking whole grain bread (most of them are also true for all other types of bread) and how to avoid them.
So don’t make any more baking mistakes.
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